Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Acoustic guitar respray project

Okay, so once upon a time, my mother gave to me her acoustic guitar. It was a lovely sounding guitar that I wanted to play live, rather than the piece of rubbish I have been using! Problem was, this lovely acoustic guitar was all pink and sparkly. Okay, in itself there's nothing wrong there, but it's not how a true gangsta like me rolls! Something had to be done, or otherwise my manliness and street cred were at stake!
So, long story short, I decided to sand it down and re-spray it blue (well actually a warm red was my first idea.)
I forgot to take pictures at the start, and before I started spraying it blue, so I do apologise, but above are some pictures from when it was about half done. It's almost done now :) Just got to do another coat tomorrow, and then add the finisher, finishing coat thingy stuff. Hopefully the weathers okay, so I can get it done by tomorrow, or thereabouts.
I will post pictures when the guitar is done, and seeing as I have just invested (cough *ebay* cough) in a digital video camera, I will have to film some videos of me playing some stuff on it. I hope the tone is not destroyed :S
ta ta for now,

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