Sunday 27 February 2011

Free Pianoverb plugin from PSP for all you recording/mixing fanatics out there!


So I just thought I'd give you all a heads up on this nifty little plugin PSP audioware are giving away for FREE. Yes, that's right, this is a real pro sounding plug in that you can get for free (all that's required is that you set up an account on their site, only takes a minute or two!)

So what is it? What does it do? Well, it's a reverb effect, essentially. What differs it from your average reverb, is that this is reverb from piano strings. Yep, the clever folks at PSP have captured that fantastic reverb you get from a piano, and created an effect out of it.

You can get Pianoverb for free here :

Here is some of the technical info (taken from the PSP website):

PSP PianoVerb reproduces special kind of reverberation originally provided by piano strings. It generates reverberation using twelve string operators with adjustable damping and decay time. Each of them is tuned to a particular note starting from A(55Hz) to a G#(103.8Hz). The PSP PianoVerb string system can be transposed in the range of +-24 semitones, tuned within a range of +-100 cents and be detuned as well. Transposing to lower octaves produces a bigger and less resonant sound similar to traditional reverbs, while in turn transposing to higher octaves produces a very bright harp-like effect.

One thing that often annoys me about free plugins is they're often only available in VST format. Yes, VST is a popular format that a lot of recording software uses, but what about us Logic and Pro Tools users? Well, you needed worry, Pianoverb is available in VST, RTAS and AU formats, so it should work with pretty much any DAW!

I haven't yet had the chance to try this cool little effect out for myself, but I'm going to have a fiddle around with it when I get a spare moment, so I'll let you all know what I think of it :)

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